Basic Linux commands part 1:

1: Current working Directory:

       To know which location you are working you have to type "PWD" in the terminal.

2: To list Files and Directories:

        To list files and directories in the current working directory you have to type "LS" in terminal. 


        To list files and directories of different location then you have to type " ls location" in terminal.

       Options of "ls" command:

                1."ls -i" it will display inode value of files and folders.
                2. "ls -l" this command will display files and folders with attributes.
                3. "ls -a" this command will display all hidden files and directories.
                4."ls -d" this command will display a particular file or folder.

                5. "ls -R" this command will show you the tree structure.

3: Creating files:

    you can create files in many ways some of them are:
    1. cat command:
           ➤ to create a file using cat you have to type "cat > filename"
            ➤ to view file using cat you have to type " cat filename"
            ➤ to add text to a file using cat you have to type " cat >> filename"
    2. gedit command
              ➤ you can easily create files using gedit also it will give you a graphical interface:
    3. touch command
            ➤ with touch command you can create a file but it wont give you a option to edit:
           ➤ with touch command you can create multiple files as well.
            ➤ with touch command you can create multiple of sequence numbers:
    4. vi command
            ➤ vi command helps you to create a file and give you edit option you add the data delete the data etc, we will create a separate video and a post how to use vi editor.
    5. vim command
            ➤ vim editor is a advanced version of vi editor.

4: Creating directories or folders:

        ➤ To create a directory type "mkdir directoryname"
        ➤ To create multiple directories type " mkdir folder1 folder2 folder3"
        ➤ To create directory under directory or folder under folder type " mkdir -p folder1/folder2/folder3/folder4"

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