Privacy Policy for vicksecurity

Welcome to my blog. I welcome to all the visitors who visited my blog. If you have any query or question about our Policy, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or fb group:

 with the subject Policy

Before using any content of my website please agree/follow these steps:
  1. Check your country's copyright policy
  2.  Always buy Original CD's from your nearest store otherwise any damage we will not responsible
  3. Please do not sell or distribute content downloaded from this website
  4. Always use content of this website only for backup purpose
  5. These contents are provided only for educational purposes

User Age :

There is no limitation in user age because it does not contain any adult material.So anyone can access at vicksecurity. If the user is above 13 at vtech than its good because below the age of 13 user might face problem in understanding.

Content material :

vicksecurity contains below content please read them
It contains knowledge about Networking, Penetration , Programming and Blogging
[Note:-Please note that all the above content are for entertainment and educational purpose please do not sell or misuse it]

You can report if you find any type of virus/trojan/Keylogger etc with any tool with the screenshot proof at here


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