Hackers easily change the password for administrator account and threaten your files. It will protected by creating the password disk using your pen drive. Now your pen drive act like a floppy disk and create a start-up key in the pen drive.
Use pen drive as computer password without typing in Login screen. Just insert your pen drive and Login the computer. It’s very helpful to secure the PC.
Simply follow the below steps:-
1. Insert your pen drive.
2. Open the Run window by pressing 'win key+R'.
3. Type 'compmgmt.msc' and click OK button.
4. Computer Management Dialog box appears on the screen.
5. Choose 'Disk Management' in left panel of computer management.
6. Right click your pen drive and select 'Change Drive Letter and Paths'.
7. Click the change button and Change Drive Letter or Path dialog box appears.
8. Choose 'A' and click OK button.
Now your pen drive act like a Floppy Disks.
9. Open the Run window by pressing 'win key+R'.
10. Type 'syskey' and click OK button.
11. Securing the Windows Account Database dialog box appears on the screen.
12. Click the Update button and Start up Key dialog box appears.
13. Select 'Store Start-up Key on Floppy Disk' and click OK button.
Now onwards you will be Login by insert your pen drive and enter your password.
*Note- This one be done cant be changed so do it carefully

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