Hello Megashoeb readers a warm welcome to all of you and I wish that you have a nice day ! Now in this post I am giving you a trick that how to change your folder background. Is this topic is looking very interesting if yes than follow all the steps given below : In this trick you do not have to use any software and you only need notepad programming language provided below so carefully read all the steps provided below:-

Steps to change your folder background :

Step 1:  Open the Folder that you want to put the background !
Step 2: Now Open up Notepad then simply paste this below code:
[{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}]iconarea_image=***Picture Location Here!***\***Name of File!***
Step 3: Now go to your picture (the picture you want to use!) and right click and select
properties and now find the file location for example lets say my file is in "Local Disk D" it
would be located at "D:\\"  copy the location of your image from Adress Bar !
Step 4: Now go back to Your text document [notepad] and where it says ***Picture Location Here!*** paste that location which you have copied in the previous step (Step3)
Step 5: Now after you have done that where it says ***Name of File!*** type the name of the file including with its ectension like .jpg .bmp .bip. jpeg etc
Step 6: Now save the text document as "Megashoeb.ini" be sure to that don't forget to put .ini after the name while saving.
 [Note : extension click on Save as "All Files" (written at below) not "Text Document" and save the document in the folder where you want the background to be.
Now just close the folder and open it again now it should show the picture as a background!

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